Thursday, 20 June 2013

Summer is the Perfect Time to Review Your Gritting Contractors' Performance

Just how well did your gritting contractors do during last winter's big freeze? It can be tempting to forget all about snow and ice during the spring and summer, yet these months are the perfect time for a company to review the performance of its contractors during the previous cold spell. Alternatively, if a business does not already have a contractor in place, now is the right time to appoint one, well before next winter.

Gritting Contractors – Click here for information about the Ice Watch service

Performance Markers for Gritting Contractors

Did they perform a thorough risk assessment as part of the sign-up process?

It is important to look over the area to be treated thoroughly in advance of any bad weather, making sure that the areas which would need to be treated during an icy spell are clearly designated.  The assessors will look to see where there is a risk of a worker or a visitor to your site slipping or of a vehicle being involved in an accident. If this is not done, it could cause problems when the cold weather does arise and it has not yet been decided which areas are to be treated. It could also leave your business open to a legal action if an accident does occur.

Did they monitor local weather for you and let you know when gritting was likely to be needed?

Carrying out daily weather checks in your own local area is vital, as weather conditions can vary greatly within just a few miles. If your gritting contractors fail to provide a localised weather forecasting service, there is a risk that your site may miss out on necessary gritting when icy weather is approaching, or, equally, that it could end up being treated  unnecessarily.

Did they visit your site to check whether gritting was really necessary?

If frost and ice are being forecast but the risk for your immediate area is unclear, then it is essential for your contractor to visit the site and inspect it to check whether gritting is likely to be needed on this occasion. Doing this ensures that the right decision is made for your site and for the conditions. Lack of a site visit could mean a need to rely on guesswork.

Did they give you the option to say no to gritting if preferred?

It is important that this option is there, so that, for instance, if your site is going to be closed, you do not have to pay for un-needed grit.

Were they always available for gritting when required, with enough people and equipment?

The prolonged icy conditions last winter provided a real test for contractors, as gritting had to be carried out on more occasions than typically expected over the season. It is vital that customers can rely on a regular service and not be hit by a lack of equipment and contractors just when the need is greatest.  Businesses signing up to a reliable gritting service should not have to worry about supplies running out, and should be assured that their sites will be treated whenever needed.

Did they successfully ensure gritting before ice/snow arrived, to prevent ice formation?

Time is of the essence when cold weather bites, and it is important that gritting is carried out before the arrival of ice and snow, when it will be too late to be fully effective. The best way of ensuring a safe surface is to spread the grit in advance, so that the ground has already been treated before the freezing weather arrives, stopping ice from forming. If this isn't done in time, then grit spread later on will not work so well.

Did they provide fully documented records of weather monitoring and gritting activity?

Businesses need to have a full record of the precautions they have taken to protect both employees and visitors from the risks of ice and snow. If gritting contractors do not provide properly documented records, it may be hard for you to prove what actions you have taken in the event of somebody making a claim against your business.

Did they operate with care for the environment?

Contractors should be local to the areas which they treat, cutting down on unnecessary vehicle journeys and resulting pollution. They should also avoid wasting grit and salt.

The Ice Watch Gritting Service

Ice Watch provides all the aspects mentioned above as standard.  Once you sign up for the service, the expert gritting contractors will start by carrying out a full risk assessment at your site, and will go on to put in place a comprehensive service which includes weather forecasting for your local area, inspections and gritting, together with the keeping of full records. The firm is environmentally responsible, and ensures that it has enough staff and supplies to provide a service you can rely on.

And If You Don't Already Have Gritting Contractors in Place?

Now is the perfect time to look around for contractors, well before the cold weather returns. At this time of year, you have the time and space to assess your needs and meet with contractors, who can undertake thorough risk assessments for your business. It also gives you time to carry out an internal cost-benefit analysis if desired. Once you have a contractor appointed, it means there will be one less thing to worry about next winter.

Gritting Contractors Click here for full information about the Ice Watch service.

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